使用im体育APP实现您的市场准入目标, 电气和机械设备测试的领先供应商. 我们的CE标志服务不仅仅是合规, 无缝结合测试, 认证, 并将文档评审合并为一个, 有效的计划, saving you time and money while ensuring your goods meet the requirements for sale within the 欧洲an Union.



CE marking is a compulsory EU conformity label that allows for the free movement of goods. 产品s that carry a CE mark are authorized for sale across all EU Member States, 没有额外的技术或法规限制. 像这样, CE marking  is a necessary passport to trade if you want your product to be available in the 欧洲an Union. CE标志的要求是由欧盟立法规定的, typically directives or regulations approved by the 欧洲an Commission, 然后纳入每个成员国的法律. 这些包括“基本需求”或核心遵从性点, 不同的产品类别, 在产品获得CE标志之前必须满足哪些要求. 对基本要求的符合性可以通过测试来验证, 在需要的情况下,哪一种方法有助于认证. They also provide ‘minimum requirements’ with technical details outlined in 统一的标准 which can be adjusted by individual states so long as the core requirements remain the same.

确定哪些法规适用于您的产品, which requirements are ‘essential’ or ‘minimum’ can be challenging without the guidance of an expert, as most directives and regulations are written in legal or technical terms rather than approachable language. im体育APP’s experts can help identify the correct requirements for you and guide you through any necessary risk assessment before further testing begins.



  • 全面的监管支持: 作为CE标志服务提供商, our team can help you understand and comply with specific requirements, ensuring you stay updated on regulatory changes and adapt your product to new requirements. We can also provide tailored strategies for diverse products and markets.
  • 协助提供技术文件; 我们的专家仔细准备所需的技术文件, 确保它符合所需的标准和监管标准. 从整理基本信息到展示一致性, 我们简化您的文档流程, 为您的产品提供更顺畅的CE认证体验.
  • 适用标准的解释: Our team at im体育APP can help you identify the relevant directives and standards applicable to your products. We ensure an accurate understanding and application of these requirements to help prevent mistakes and delays.
  • 支持供应链合规: im体育APP can help you be certain that each component in your product's supply chain complies with the necessary standards. We can implement strategies to manage and monitor the compliance of the entire supply chain through regular testing and auditing.
  • 确保全球市场准入: 通过正确的, compliant CE marking you will gain access to trade your product in all EU Member states without additional technical or regulatory requirements. im体育APP不仅可以帮助您更快地进入这些市场, 更可靠的, 并为您的客户提供更大的保证, but you can also reduce your environmental impact by reducing the number of touchpoints needed for trade. 




MacieJ Jakucki




Getting a product through the CE marking process can be challenging and we know you want to avoid project delays. 我们的CE标志专家帮助简化整个过程, by project managing the end-to-end solution from testing to 认证 and meticulous documentation review. With a dedicated team focused on establishing realistic timelines aligned with your project goals, 我们在CE认证过程的每个阶段优化效率. Our emphasis on efficient project management ensures timely compliance and contributes to a cost-effective service, 节省您的企业宝贵的资源. 积极应对监管挑战, 我们的目标是防止最后一刻出现可能导致延误的障碍, 使您的合规之旅顺利进行. 我们也可以结合第三方 环境测试 to support your risk assessment and identification of hazards – saving you even more time and money by combining your tests into a single program. 



虽然8步CE认证过程可能看起来很复杂, 我们的专家弥合知识鸿沟, guiding you at every stage from identifying requirements to maintenance testing. CE标志的程序如下:

  • 确定需求
  • Identifying the appropriate standards (includes involving a Notified Body as needed and creating a test plan)
  • 执行测试/应用标准
  • Compiling technical information (includes completing a Notified Body review, 如果需要, 及如有需要,发出意见书)
  • 生成合格声明(DoC)
  • 产品/设备加贴CE标志
  • 设备投放市场(产品投入使用)
  • 通过定期的测试和审核来维护合规性

如果您需要为您的业务量身定制的指导, im体育APP的CE评定培训课程, 由经验丰富的专家领导, offer flexible packages to address your questions and provide best practice guidance.



Our experts support every aspect of the CE marking process, helping you gain compliance. 我们的能力包括:



作为电子和机械设备测试的领先供应商, im体育APP是您的CE标志合作伙伴的最佳选择. Our expert reputation is evidenced by the fact we provide Notified Body services for multiple CE Marking Directives including The 无线电设备指令, EMC指令, 以及爆炸性环境ATEX指令. 
拥有丰富的国际im体育平台app下载专业知识, 我们可以指导您了解CE标志的复杂性, 提供合规协助, 强大的风险评估支持, 通过8步CE标志过程的指导, 独特的测试程序, 以及全球市场准入支持. 我们也处于一个独特的位置,不仅结合测试, 认证, reviews – but also 环境测试 and risk assessment with your CE marking services, 提供真正具有成本效益和流线型的解决方案. 
要讨论您的CE标志要求或问题,请 立即im体育APP -或了解更多 关于im体育APP的 凭证.


“CE EMC testing is not only the best way to determine compliance with the 电磁兼容指令, it also provides manufacturers with the confidence they need that their product will not cause interference or be affected by disturbances that are commonly experienced when they are used by customers. Manufacturers need their products to be robust and reliable to ensure their products’ good reputation, 这只能通过EMC测试来实现. ”



英国脱欧后UKCA标志的综合指南:它是什么, 厂家应该做哪些准备, im体育APP会给你什么建议.



Discover the crucial steps manufacturers you must take for CE marking compliance.



In recent years, 欧洲 has seen an increasing number of goods incorrectly marked. 看看原因吧.



CE EMC测试有助于确定是否符合EMC指令 & 为您在全球出口产品时提供信心.





im体育APP helps companies achieve compliance against global safety standards for 167 countries.



Download our free guide to aid a harmonized approach to Vehicle Type Approval. 



作为公告机构, im体育APP can provide expert guidance to support products through the relevant testing process.



im体育APP's team of engaged experts will provide equipment manufacturers a smooth transition for their products to meet the new conformity assessment mark.



im体育APP are one of the few test laboratories globally who can provide pre-testing and, 被释放后, will provide formal testing to the new Matter智能家居标准s to enable manufacturers to gain 认证 through the CSA. 请访问我们的服务页面了解更多信息 Matter智能家居标准.

我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.